Our Members
Our Association is comprised of over 1000 members for New Jersey’s 566 municipalities. Among our ranks, we have many of the state’s Tax Collectors, Deputy Collectors, Treasurers, Deputy Treasurers, Municipal Finance Officers and Utility Collectors. We also welcome vendors and suppliers to the industry to join as Associate Business Members.
An Informed Industry
One of our primary focuses is keeping our members abreast of industry news. Via fax and mail alerts, our newsletter and our Web site, we ensure that our membership is constantly kept up-to-date.
To achieve this goal, TCTANJ’s Executive Board, made up of representatives from every county in the State, meets six times a year to discuss matters like municipal finance, taxes, and legislative issues. Information collected at these meetings, along with other relevant news items from the industry and our membership, becomes the main content of our quarterly publication, The Criterion.
Our Web site is an evolving information source for our membership. It lists industry events and news, as well as contact information for the Association.
Conventions and Certifications
Tax Collectors and Municipal Finance Officers need to satisfy a state-administered examination in order to become certified. To continue to hold this certification, these groups are required to undergo re-certification every two years. In an effort to assist members with this task, we provide educational seminars throughout the year. These seminars are held both at the League of Municipalities Conference, held every November, and at our own Spring Conference, held every May. Members have the opportunity to earn some of their continuing education credits (CEUs) – 15 hours every two years for Tax Collectors and 30 hours every two years for Municipal Finance Officers – during each of these annual conferences.
The Rutgers Connection
Through our relationship with the Center for Government Services at Rutgers, The State University, we’re able to provide training courses for prospective Tax Collectors and Municipal Finance Officers. One-day continuing education courses are also held at Rutgers to satisfy the hours required for re-certification. Our four-decade relationship with Rutgers also enables us to provide teaching opportunities for our qualified members, as well as access to continuing education materials.